Top 10 Schools in Tiruchirappalli
Top 10 Schools in Best Tiruchirappalli, We provide in this article Tiruchirappalli’s top 10 Popular schools & we also provide all the information on all the top 10 Popular or Best schools like address, contacts number, Email, website or Portal, and more details about the Tiruchirappalli’s school. This paragraph or article is very important for all students and each student parent of students/candidates by contact with the school. for the contact the school we provide email and number so read the article and choose the best and popular school in Tiruchirappalli, India.
Top 10 Schools in Tiruchirappalli, Know More About the Popular Schools
1. Cauvery Global School, Tiruchirappalli
Cauvery Global School in Tiruchirappalli provides all the details of The Cauvery Global School and the school established in 2012. the school-affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. the school installed in 13th Cross, Bharathi Nagar, Tiruchirappalli – 620017, It aims to provide quality education to the students from primary to high school and promote their overall development.
Contact details
School Address – 13th Cross, Bharathi Nagar, Tiruchirappalli – 620017
Contact: 0431 – 4060485
Email: cgs2012reddy@gmail.com
Website: www.cauveryschools.com/cauvery_cbse/
2. Aurobindo International School, Tiruchirappalli
Aurobindo International School in Tiruchirappalli provides all the details of The Aurobindo International School and the school established in 1949. the school allied to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. the school situated in 208 – 2 & 3, near Vekkaliamman Temple, Fatima Nagar, Woraiyur, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620003, we realize that we must sustain dynamic learning processes amid the pressure of accountability to the anxious parents.
Contact details
School Address – 208 – 2 & 3, near Vekkaliamman Temple, Fatima Nagar, Woraiyur, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620003
Contact: +1 (0431) 2760795 / 96, 9944883131
Email: aurobindoedu@gmail.com
Website: www.aurobindoedu.org
3. Kendriya Vidyalaya No1, Tiruchirappalli
Kendriya Vidyalaya No1 in Tiruchirappalli provides all the details of The Kendriya Vidyalaya No1 and the school established in 1965. the school allied to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. the school installed in Thiruverumbur Rd, Ordnance Estate, Thuppaki Nagar, In the year 1969 sections of each class were increased with the enrollment of 20 to 25 students, two sections.
Contact details
School Address – Thiruverumbur Rd, Ordnance Estate, Thuppaki Nagar, Tamil Nadu 620016
Contact: 0431-2581247
Email: kvtrichyoft@gmail.com
Website: www.no1tirichy.kvs.ac.in
4. Sri Vignesh Vidyalaya, Tiruchirappalli
Sri Vignesh Vidyalaya in Tiruchirappalli provides all the details of The Sri Vignesh Vidyalaya and the school established in 2006. the school allied to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. the school installed in Trichy Chennai Trunk Road, Koothur, Tamil Nadu 621216, In Senior Secondary Classes the following are offered for both Science and Commerce Streams.
Contact details
School Address – Trichy Chennai Trunk Road, Koothur, Tamil Nadu 621216
Contact: +91 431 2591787, + 91 98430 58077
Email: vidyalaya@yahoo.co.in
Website: www.srivigneshvidyalaya.com/index.php
5. Mount Litera Zee School, Tiruchirappalli
Mount Litera Zee School in Tiruchirappalli provides all the details of The Mount Litera Zee School and the school established in 1994. the school allied to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. the school installed in MM Nagar, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620102, Kidzee preschools, Mount Litera Zee Schools, Mount Litera School International, BrainCafé School Programs and Zee institutes of Media Art and Creative Art.
Contact details
School Address – MM Nagar, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620102
Contact: +91-22-40343900, +91-22-26743422
Email: franchise@zeelearn.com
Website: www.mountlitera.com/Tamil-Nadu/Trichy/best-cbse-school-trichy/
6. Kamala Niketan School, Tiruchirappalli
Kamala Niketan School in Tiruchirappalli provides all the details of The Kamala Niketan School and the school established in 1949. the school allied to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. the school installed in 6, Maris Avenue, Collector’s Office Road, Trichy – 620001, the school to empower students to be life long learners and explorers, equipping them with skills of good communication.
Contact details
School Address – 6, Maris Avenue, Collector’s Office Road, Trichy – 620001.
Contact: 0431 – 2467254, 7373791041, 7373791042
Email: office@kamalaniketan.com
Website: www.kamalaniketan.com
7. SRV Matric Higher Secondary School, Tiruchirappalli
SRV Matric Higher Secondary School in Tiruchirappalli provides all the details of The SRV Matric Higher Secondary School and the school established in 1949. the school allied to the Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education (TNBSE). the school installed in Dindugal High Road, Pirattiyur West, Trichy- 620009, This combination empowers them to the future leaders.
Contact details
School Address – Dindugal High Rd, Pirattiyur West, Trichy- 620009
Contact: 9443220680, 8903824333, 0431 – 2670680
Email: srvsamayapuram@gmail.com
Website: www.srvschoolstrichy.org
8. Montfort School, Tiruchirappalli
Montfort School in Tiruchirappalli provides all the details of The SRV Montfort School and the school established in 2006. the school allied to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. the school installed in No-15, 12th Cross Rd, Balaji Nagar, Pappakurichi Kattur, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620019, Montfort school was established in the year 2006 and now has seen unprecedented growth nurturing more than 4000 students.
Contact details
School Address – No-15, 12th Cross Rd, Balaji Nagar, Pappakurichi Kattur, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620019
Contact: + 91 – 431 – 2534047, 2534049
Email: montfortsg@gmail.com,
Website: www.montforttrichy.com
9. Alpha Wisdom Vidyashram Senior Secondary School, Tiruchirappalli
Alpha Wisdom Vidyashram Senior Secondary School in Tiruchirappalli provides all the details of The Alpha Wisdom Vidyashram Senior Secondary School and the school established in 2000. the school allied to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. the school installed in K.K. Nagar East Extn., Airport Post, Trichy – 620 007, Our goal is to inspire our learners to give their best for a positive future.institutions.
Contact details
School Address – K.K. Nagar East Extn., Airport Post, Trichy – 620 007.
Contact: +91 (431) 2457308 / 5527
Email: info.cbse@alphaeducation.edu.in
Website: www.cbse.alphaeducation.edu.in
10. Campion Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School, Tiruchirappalli
Campion Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School in Tiruchirappalli provides all the details of The Campion Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School and the school established in 1949. the school allied to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. the school installed in Cantonment, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620001, It has been one of the most reputed schools for both academics.
Contact details
School Address – Cantonment, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620001
Contact: +918223039993/98
Email: dpsraipur@gmail.com
Website: www.campiontrichy.com
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