Top 10 Schools in Kolkata
We provide in this article Kolkata’s top 10 Popular schools and we also provide all details of the all the top 10 Popular schools like address, contacts number, website, and more details about the school. the information is very useful to all students and every parent of the students through the contact the school. for the contact the school we provide email and number so read the article and choose the best and popular school in Kolkata, India.
1. La Martiniere for Girls
Established over one hundred and 80 years ago, La Martiniere Girls is spread over acres in one of the most prime locations of the city and has been ranked as the top 10 school in Kolkata. Among the top one girl’s schools in Kolkata, La Martiniere for Girls school also known as LMG School is India’s Rank two Best Girls Day Schools of 2016 across the nation in India.
Address of School – Minto Park, Rawdon St, beside Vodafone, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700017
Contact: +91 33 4040 6605, +91 33 4040 6606
Email-id: info@lamartiniere.co
Website: www.lamartiniereforgirls.co
2. Modern High School for Girls Kolkata
Founded through B. M. Birla in 1952, Modern High School Ranked second is also an all-girls school however it is a day Modern High school. Amid 1 of the top girl’s schools in Kolkata, Modern High School for Girls moreover is India’s Rank three Top Girls Day schools of 2016.
Address of School – 78, Syed Amir Ali Avenue, Kolkata-700 019. India
Contact: +913322875326
Fax: +913322816873
Email-id: contact@mhsforgirls.edu.in
Website: www.mhsforgirls.edu.in
3. St Xavier’s School Kolkata
Named after St. Francis Xavier in the year 1860 & founded by the missionaries of the Society of Jesus, St. Xavier’s Collegiate School Kolkata is an all-boys day school & counted among the top boys’ schools in Kolkata. The school is India’s Rank second Best Popular Boys Day Schools of 2016 as well.
Address of School – 30 Mother Teresa Sarani, Kolkata 700 016
Contact: 91-33-2290 6951, +91-33-2255 1171
Email-id: principal@sxcs.edu.in
Website: www.sxcs.edu.in
4. Loreto House Kolkata
Yet another all-girls school making it to the top 10 schools in Kolkata, Loreto House is also among the top three girls schools in Kolkata. Managed by the Loreto Education Society (LES) which also runs Seventeen schools and 2 colleges in India, Loreto House Kolkata is connected by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. Loreto House was found in the year 1942.
Address of School – 7, Sir William Jones Sarani, Park Street area, Kolkata, West Bengal 700071
Contact: 033-22293565
Website: www.loretohousekolkata.com
5. La Martiniere for Boys
An all-boys day school with an option for a boarding facility, La Martiniere for Boys is among the top boy’s La Martiniere for Boys in Kolkata. Also known as La Martiniere for Boys Kolkata, the school name has been derived from its founder Mr. Major General Claude Martin, a French brave-merchant who made a fortune under the patronage of the East India Company in India.
Address of School – 11, Dr. U. N. Brahmachari Street, Elgin, Kolkata, West Bengal 700017
Contact: +91 33 4040 6612, +91 33 4040 6613
Email-id: lamartiniereboys@gmail.com.
Website: www.lamartiniereforboys.co
6. The Heritage School Kolkata
Known for India’s Rank twenty-three Popular Co-ed Day schools of 2016, The Heritage School Kolkata (HSK) is among the top 10 schools in Kolkata at Rank Six in the list. Fairly recent in its founded as compared with the other top schools, Heritage began with four hundred and 21 students in the year 2001. The HS School has topped the chart on Internationalism by taking a leap over St. Xavier’s and other top 10 schools in the list.
Address of School – 994, Chowbaga Road, Anandapur, P.O: East Kolkata Township, Kolkata – 700107, West Bengal, India
Contact: +91-33-2443 0448 – 52
Fax:+91-33-2443 0453
Email-id: admin@theheritageschool.org, info@theheritageschool.org
7. Lakshmipat Singhania Academy Kolkata
Also popularly known as Lakshmipat Singhania Academy Kolkata (LSA) is a co-educational day school that was founded in the year 1996. An LSA school under the Lakshmipat Singhania Education Foundation, it is connected with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi
Address of School – 12-B, Alipore Rd, Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal 700027
Contact: +91 33 24793600 / 24792176
Email-id: lsa_kol@rediffmail.com
Website: www.lsakolkata.com
8. The Future Foundation School Kolkata
The Future Foundation School is founded on the principles of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother and offers holistic education nurturing physical, psychic, mental, and spiritual aspects of children leading its way to India’s Rank fourty one Best Co-ed Day schools of 2016. The school caters to classes right from nursery to class12th and is among the top schools in Kolkata at Rank Six.
Address of School – Lakshmi’s House, 3, Regent Park, Kolkata, Pincode – 700040
Contact: 8336069408, 8336069406, 033-24715733
Fax: 91-33-2471-5733
Email-id: tffsmail@gmail.com
Website: http://www.sriaurobindoinstitute.org/
9. Don Bosco School Kolkata
Don Bosco School was founded in the year1958 and currently is India’s Rank Nine Best Boys Day Schools of 2016. Sited within the heart of the city at Park Circus, Don Bosco School is an English medium Anglo Indian school originally for Catholic boys which is situated and managed by Salesians of Don Bosco (North India).
Address of School – 23, Darga Rd, Park Circus, Beniapukur, Kolkata, West Bengal 700017
Contact: +91 33 2287-9202 / 2287-0414 / 2290-0703 / 2290-1957
Email-id: dbkolkata@gmail.com
Website: www.donboscoparkcircus.org
10. Birla High School for Boys Kolkata
An all-boys day school established in the year 1940 by Late Sri LN Birla, Birla High School for Boys is located at Moira Street, Kolkata. An English medium school affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), the school provides education from Kindergarten through class XII.
Address of School – Moira Street, Kolkata-700017.
Contact: +91 33 2287 6420 / 9004
Fax : +91 33 2287 8145 / 2283 5941
Email-id: bhscal@rediffmail.com, principal@birlahighschool.com
Website: www.birlahighschool.com
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