Army Public School, Mumbai
Army Public School, Mumbai was founded in the year 1984 under the aegis of AWES (Army Welfare Education Society, New Delhi), primarily for imparting best quality education to the children of Defence Personnel at an affordable cost. By encouraging the candidates to dream, learn & explore, the APS school aims to create a vibrant community wherein the Candidates learn to translate their dreams into reality mostly by self-exploration & making the most of options available for this.
Army Public School, Mumbai For Admission Academic Year 2020 – 2021
1. Registration will be for admission in all classes (for class XII)
15 for public sector employees from February 2020.
2. Payment will be made according to the vacancy according to the conditions of the citizen.
3. Entry will be given priority as per rule rules
Downloaded by ARM Welfare Education Society, New Delhi.
4. On line, registration will be done from the website of this school – www.apsmumbai.com
5. The registration fee for online payment (non-acceptable) For DEFENSE PERSONNEL- RS.550 / – For CIVILIANS – RS.1000 / –
6. Regular registration later, and payment already has been made and payment receipt being presented to students studying in the school
Documents –
7. Documents required for registration:
Class I –
(a) Birth Certificate (Age – 5 years till 31st March 2020)
(B) Father’s proof of service
(C) Part II Order (Government Document)
(d) Aadhaar card copy of student.
On class II –
(A) Bonified certificate from Skole
(B) Father’s proof of service
(C) Part II Order (Government Document)
(d) Aadhaar card copy of student.
(You need the Previous sergeant certificate and previous class mark sheet becuase it is submitted with the admission form. Students coming to the Economic publication School will be no entrance test.
Date- 18 March 2020 & 27 March 2020
Admission Procedure
# Children of Army Widows, serving Army personnel (including DSC) and Children of that TA personnel who have a minimum of 10 years embodied service.
# Children of Army Ex-servicemen, DSC per Retd. With pension from DSC.
# Naval personnel and serving Air Force children can be admitted to this school.
# Naval personnel and retired Air Force children can be admitted to this school.
# Children of serving Army personnel (including DSC) children of Army Widows and children of that TA personnel who have a minimum of 10 years of embodied service.
# Children of civilians paid out of Defence estimates Para Military Forces including Coast Guards, MES, GREF, TA (when not embodied) Grandchildren of serving/ retired Army personnel. Civilians.
Admission is very strictly on merit and the admission procedure is given below.
Registration – Parents have to deposit the Registration form, available with the prospectus, duly filled, with required fees, to the School Office and set date for Entrance Test.
1. Candidates seeking admission from Non-APS Schools will have to appear for an entrance test. The admission test will be held in the subjects: English, Maths, Hindi, for admission to classes 2nd to 5th and English, Hindi, Maths, and Science form six to tenth.
2. The syllabus of these tests will be as per the prescribed Center board of secondary education syllabus of the class last to the 1 in which admission is sought.
3. After a candidate qualifies in the Entrance Test, the Guardians will have to deposit the Admission Form, duly Filled, to the APS School Office.
4. The following documents are then to be submitted to the APS School office along with the Admission Form:
(i) Transfer Certificate from the previous school duly countersigned by District Education Officer.
(ii) Attested copy of the Progress Report card of the previous class,
(iii) In the case of Defence Personnel – Service certificate of the parents with family particulars.
(iv) For Class I Applications: A Xerox copy of the Birth Certificate (The child should have completed 5 years of age on 31 March of the year in which admission is sought).
Fee Structure
– Visit the school’s official website/ click the link & know more about the APS school fee Structure.
How to reach the Army Public School, Mumbai – The army school of the Mumbai is available in Army Public School, Dr.Nanabhoy Moos Road, Near R. C. Church, Opp.INHS Asvini Hospital, Colaba, Mumbai – 400 005, India. visit the Army Public School, Mumbai going with any transports.
Contact Person: Admissions Phone Number: 917506 086 333, Email: armyschoolmumbai@gmail.com, Website: www.apsmumbai.com, Address: Dr.Nanabhoy Moos Road, Near R. C. Church, Opp.INHS Asvini Hospital, Colaba, Mumbai – 400 005, India.
Facilities: Classroom, Playground, Computer Laboratory, Bus Transport, Library, Science Laboratory, etc.
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Click here – APS Ahmedabad
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