Army Public School, Mhow
The Army Public School (APS), Mhow is a public school. It is located at Dr. Ambedkar Nagar and it is operated by the Indian Army supervision under the aegis of Army Welfare Education Society (AWES). the Army Public School is situated at 44 Mall Road and It is one of the most prominent Army Schools, ranking among the top three Army Public Schools & top ten in India. Prime minister Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam visited the school and inaugurated the new Abdul Kalam block and had an interactive session with the students in 2012.
Army Public School, Mhow -Admissions to 2020 – 2021 Academic Year
1. Registration Forms will be available at the School Office during working days between 0900 to 1200 hrs for admission to class – I only during February and March. The minimum age for Admission in Class -1st is 5 years as on 31st March of the year of admission.
2. Age according to given below-:
For Admission, to 1st class, – The student should complete the under-mentioned 5 Years of age on 31 March of the year.
For Admission, to 2nd class, – The student should complete the under-mentioned 6 Years of age on 31 March of the year.
For Admission, to 3rd class, – The student should complete the under-mentioned 7 Years of age on 31 March of the year.
For Admission, to 4th class, – The student should complete the under-mentioned 8 Years of age on 31 March of the year.
For Admission, to 5th class, – The candidate should complete the under-mentioned 9 Years of age on 31st March of the year.
For Admission, to 6th class, – The student should complete the under-mentioned 10 Years of age on 31 March of the year.
For Admission, to 7th class, – The student should complete the under-mentioned 11 Years of age on 31 March of the year.
For Admission, to 8th class, – The student should complete the under-mentioned 12 Years of age on 31 March of the year.
For Admission, to 9th class, – The candidate should complete the under-mentioned 13 Years of age on 31 March of the year.
For Admission, to 10th class, – The candidate should complete the under-mentioned 14 Years of age on 31st March of the year.
3. The following document is to be attached along with the Admission Form towards proof of age of the students:
* In the case of Defence Personnel, an extract of Part II orders, duly attested by their Commanding Officer.
Document Required -:
For First Class -:
1. Part II order for Army/Navy/Air force personnel.
2. Registration Card & Movement Order.
3. Attested copy of BIRTH CERTIFICATE obtained from Municipality,
Gram Panchayat (for Civilians).
4. Caste certificate (photocopy).
5. Income Certificate.
For Second to 5th Class -:
1. Transfer Certificate.
2. Attested Photocopy of Marks sheet.
3. Photocopy of Caste Certificate.
4. Movement Order.
5. Income Certificate.
For 9th to 8th Class -:
1. Transfer Certificate.
2. A Certificate by TC issuing school that their school is affiliated with CBSE and the Transfer Certificate issued to the student has been uploaded in the school website.
3. Attested Marks /Grade Sheet and Co-Scholastic Areas Award List also required.
4. Movement Order
For 10th to 12th Class -:
1. The original application of the candidate.
2. Original Marks Sheet.
3. An affidavit stating the Change of Residence duly attested by Government Authority and also mentioning that if any particulars found false later may result in cancellation of admission.
FEE STRUCTURE – Click the link and know about the school fee Structure.
Advice for the Candidates/Students
1. Students may have to stay back or come in the evening for sports practice and other activities whenever such a requirement is felt by the school.
2. Students should attend school regularly. No student will be allowed to sit for the examination unless he/she meets the criteria for minimum attendance (75% of the number of working days) in the academic year.
3. No collection for any celebration/event should be made without the prior permission of the Principal.
4. Whenever the students leave the classroom for P.T., Library, Laboratory, etc. they must walk along the corridors, stairs & around pathways in double file & in silence. Students are not allowed to remain in the classroom during recess or PT periods. Once on the playground, they should not return to the classroom without the permission of the concerned teacher.
5. Students should always be neatly dressed, with their shoes polished and hair is done properly. They should turn out in school uniform daily &on all school functions.
6. Candidates are advised not to bring costly articles to the school. Any loss of articles/ money should be reported to the class/ subject teacher immediately. The school shall not be responsible for such things losses.
7. Candidates should be must take care of the school property. writing on the walls or Damaging school furniture disfiguring school property will be dealt with strictly. Reports regarding damage to the school property should be made to the Class Teacher or the Coordinator.
How to reach the Army Public School Mhow (Where is Army Public School Mhow ) – The army school of the Mhow is available in Army Public School, Mall Road, Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Madhya Pradesh 453441, India. visit the APS school going with any transports.
Contact Person: Admissions Phone Number: 07324-272747, 9753723120, Email: apsmhow@gmail.com, Website: www.apsmhow.org Address: Army Public School, Mall Road, Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Madhya Pradesh 453441, India.
Facilities: Visitors Room, Smart Class, Senior Wing Library, Junior Wing Library, Senior Wing Computer Lab, Middle Wing Computer Lab, Junior Wing Computer Lab, Teachers Resource Center, Physics Lab, Biology Lab, Robotics Lab, Chemistry Lab, NCC (Air Wing), School Bus, English Language Lab, Play area for Junior Students, Music Room, Art and Craft Room, etc.
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