Army Public School, Jorhat
On 15 January (Army Day) 1980, the Chief of the Army Staff made an announcement regarding the Founded of Army Schools across the country to provide quality education to the wards of defense personnel at an affordable cost. In keeping view of the above, Army Public School Jorhat was established on 01 July 1992 with a meager strength of thirteen students and three teachers. Since then Army Public School, Jorhat has crossed many milestones to grow into 1 of the leading educational institutions of the entire region.
Priorities of Admission
1. Admission tests are conducted in the first part of April for admission to various classes for the new session.
2. Duly completed application form should be submitted to the school office on or before the prescribed date.
3. Admission is given to children of serving Army personnel coming on transfer from outstation at any time during the academic session.
4. Children of Army Ex-Servicemen, DSC Pers Retd are eligible for admission.
5. Depending on the availability of seat admission is given to children of serving Air Force and Naval Personnel.
6. 15% of seats are given to civilian children as well.
7. Merit is the main criterion for the admission of civilian children.
8. Admission tests are conducted wherever it is applicable as per AWES rules.
9. For admission to class I, a student should have completed 5 years of age on 01 April of the year in which admission is sought.
Age for Admission
The age of a student on the first admission to various classes in Army Public Schools shall be regulated as indicated below: Class For Admission a student should have completed the under-mention years of age on 31st March of the year in which admission is sought.
I – 5 Years
II – 6 Years
III – 7 Years
IV – 8 Years
V – 9 Years
VI – 10 Years
VII – 11 Years
VIII – 12 Years
IX – 13 Years
X – 14 Years
Fee Structure
Instructions/Details of Fee – Banking hours: 10 A.m to 15:30 P.m. Late fee after Due date will be collected as under process.
(a) Up to 20 days lates – Rs.10
(b) Up to 1month lates – Rs.25
(c) Up to 20 days lates – Rs.50
More about the Structure of the fee of the army school Jorhat click the link and download the pdf file.
How to reach the Army Public School, Jorhat (Where is Army Public School, Jorhat) – The army school of the Jorhat is available in Jorhat Near MES Gate, Rowriah, Jorhat, Assam 785004. you can visit the school by bus and train and going with any transports.
Contact Person: Admissions Phone Number: 0376-2333069, Email: apsjorhat.socialmedia@gmail.com Website: www.apsjorhat.org Address: Near MES Gate, Rowriah, Jorhat, Assam 785004 India.
Facilities – Sports, Music, Library and Health and Wellness.
School Rules and Regulations
1. Each pupil must be punctual and regular in attendance.
2. Attendance in the morning assembly is compulsory. Against the defaulters will take action according to the Disciplinary.
3. Those who absent themselves on the previous day must bring a leave note from the parents giving reasons for being absent.
4. A student will be eligible for final exams only if he/she has at least 75% attendance to his/her credit during the academic session.
5. Students must wear a clean and neat uniform as per the approved pattern.
6. Students should keep the thing care of the school property.
7. Waste paper and waste material must be disposed of in the waste paper bins.
8. Students are not allowed to wear jewelry or makeup.
9. Students are not allowed to bring money or other valuable items to the school. The school will not responsible for personal things and losses.
10. Students must be courteous and gentle in their behavior. They should pay respect to all teachers and all elders.
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