Army Public School Dighi
Army Public School Dighi was established as a Balak Mandir of the Bombay Sappers in 1980. In the year 1997, The Bombay Sappers Public School up to Primary Level was established with a view to providing quality education to the children of personnel of armed forces living in Dighi, Vishrantwadi, Kalas, Ganesh Nagar, and GREF Centre area. The school has been affiliated to CBSE up to middle-class level and up to Secondary Level w.e.f. April 2010 and w.e.f. April 2011 respectively. The CBSE Affiliation No. is 1130212.
1. Admission to children of serving Army personnel coming on transfer from outstation can be given at any time during the year.
2. Children who are coming on a pass/promoted TC from another APS / Army School / KV will be admitted directly without an entrance test.
3. For other categories, admissions will be made at the start of the academic year based on the availability of seats and merit.
4. Parents / Guardians of students seeking admission must apply for admission on the Registration form attached in the prospectus which is available in the school office on payment of Rs. 50/-. Given a date for the exam them. For lateral admission can fill up the application form and complete admission formalities directly.
5. The following certificates or documents must be submitted along with the Application Form/letter –
(a) Proof of Age Certificate
(b) In the case of Defence Personnel, extract of their record of service, duly attested by their Commanding Officer.
(c) Birth certificate issued by Mil/Civil hospital or Municipality / Village Panchayat.
(id) TC from the previous school for classes II upward. Transfer Certificate in respect of students from schools other than Army Schools / APS/KVs will be accepted for admission only when considered by the District Education Officer. In the case of pupils who did not study in a recognized school, the Parent / Guardian should give a letter to that effect.
(e) Latest Report Card.
(f) One Photograph
6. Students from a school other than APS’S/ KV will have to qualify in the entrance test for admission for class II to X. If the child fails So he/she will be admitted to a suitable class according to the principal.
7. Admission Test will be held every Monday from 25th March onwards for the following subjects:
(i) Primary Classes (2 to V): English, Hindi, Maths &Science.
(ii) Secondary Classes (VI to X): English, Hindi, Maths & Science.
8. Students should complete 05 years of age as on 31st March of the year in which admission is sought in class I. For the subsequent classes, age is fixed for A corresponding scale,
9. Priorities for admission is as below:
(i) Children of Serving Army Personnel including DSC, Army Windows, and TA with 10 years of embodied service.
(ii) Children of Army Ex-servicemen, DSC pres Retd with Pension from DSC.
(iii) Naval Personnel and Serving Air Force children.
(iv) Naval Personnel and retired Air force’s Childrens.
(v) Children of Ex-Army personnel who left the Army with than 10 years of service.
(vi) Children of civilians paid out of Defence Estimate, Para Military Forces including Coast Guard, MES, GREF, TA(when not embodied)
(vii) Grand Children of Serving/retired Army personnel.
(viii) Other Children
10. Application for Transfer Certificate should be made on the prescribed form two weeks in advance along with the original Security Deposit receipt for the refund of fees.
How to reach the Army Public School, Dighi (Where is Army Public School, Dighi) – The army school of the Dighi is available in Army Public School Dighi, Pune-411015. you can visit the school by bus and train and going with any transports.
Contact Person: MRS YASMIN KAUR BAINS, Admissions Phone Number: 07219015041, Email: armyschooldighi@gmail.com Website: www.apsdighi.com Address: Army Public School Dighi, Pune-411015 India.
Facilities – Library, Co – Curricular Activities, Computer Education, Parent Teacher Interaction, CAREER GUIDANCE, CCTV Installation, INTER HOUSE COMPETITIONS, Smart class.
Fee Structure
Structure of the fee of the army school Jorhat click the link and download the pdf file.
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